Biceps Pain

Biceps Pain

bicep pain

Dr. Jonathan Evans


Chief Executive Officer, Orthopedic & Vestibular Physical Therapist

Are you experiencing weakness or pain throughout your biceps?

Your biceps are a big and powerful muscle located in your upper arm that assist with elbow flexion, forearm supination, and shoulder flexion. When these muscles are damaged – it is common to experience pain and weakness with elbow motion.

Why do I have biceps pain?

Biceps pain often presents with overuse or trauma as inflammation throughout the musculature/tendons occurs.

How can I manage my biceps pain?

The pain and weakness associated with the biceps musculature can be debilitating – preventing you from participating in your day-to-day activities, work requirements, and hobbies.

Don’t lose hope – our Doctors of Physical and Occupational Therapy can help!

We would love to assist you with conservative treatments to prolong your functioning and reduce the likelihood of surgical intervention.

Exercises for biceps pain:

Below are a few exercises you can start doing NOW, as you schedule an appointment with one of our skilled therapist:

Cross Friction Massage over Muscle Belly:

Push into the tissues of the biceps muscle. Move your fingers around until you find the area that is most tender. Begin with applying a gentle force into the tissues and rubbing back and forth (not up and down the arm) and increase intensity as able. Do this several times throughout the day.

Pro Tip: If you’re not sure if you are in the correct area – start with your palm facing the floor and rotate it toward the ceiling and the muscles under your fingers will contract. If you feel this, you are in the right spot!

90 Second Muscle Shortening:

Find a comfortable place to lay – and lay down on your back.

1: Turn your palm up to the ceiling

2: Bend your elbow up as far as you’re able

3:Flex your shoulder up – placing your hand behind your head

Use pillows to prop up the arm and get comfortable – hang out here for 90-120 seconds (perform some diaphragmatic breathing) and then *slowly* bring your arm back down to your side. This activity decreases all stress on your muscle and decreases tension.

*If you are experiencing biceps pain – please give us a call today!