Common Questions Regarding Shoulder Pain

Common Questions Regarding Shoulder Pain

shoulder pain

Dr. Jonathan Evans


Chief Executive Officer, Orthopedic & Vestibular Physical Therapist

What is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that main role is to help keep the humerus (the bone of the arm) connected to the shoulder joint. These muscles are important as they help provide support to the shoulder joint. These muscles can be injured with overuse injury or with traumatic injuries (like a fall).  The muscles or tendons of the rotator cuff can be inflamed (tendonitis) or can tear. Depending on the severity and situation, sometimes surgery is needed, but often the correct physical therapy treatments can help reduce pain and restore strength to the rotator cuff to compensate for the partial tear.

Can my neck pain be related to my shoulder pain?

Yes! Our bodies are very connected. There are muscles that work both at the neck and at the shoulder. Pain or injury to one area can often contribute to pain in a connected area. It is very common for neck pain to be related to shoulder pain and vice versa. Our physical therapists will do a thorough assessment to find the cause of the pain and help symptoms in both the neck and shoulder.

Why do I have numbness and tingling in my arm?

Numbness or tingling in the shoulder, arm, or hands is a symptom of nerve involvement. Meaning that, the nerves that travel in your arm to help you move your arm and hand, either has pressure on it somewhere it shouldn’t, or is not moving as freely as it should. This can typically happen with shoulder pain and tight muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. Our physical therapists can help with numbness and tingling by reducing the tightness in the muscles surrounding the joint and helping to get the nerves moving like they should!

Why should I go to physical therapy for my shoulder?

A physical therapist will do a thorough physical exam of your shoulder to find weakness or restrictions in movement that may be related to your pain. They will then come up with an individualized plan to address your specific restrictions or limitations.

What will a session of physical therapy for shoulder pain consist of?

Our physical therapists will work with you based on your specific needs. They will help to address pain, limitations in motion, or any strength deficits you may have. At our clinic, you will receive one on one care from only a physical therapist, no assistants or aides. Your treatment may consist of manual therapy, cupping, scraping/IASTM, dry needling, therapeutic exercises, etc.

How do I know what exercises to do to help my shoulder pain?

When you schedule a visit with us, our therapists work with you to develop a personalized home exercise program consisting of therapeutic exercises to target your specific needs!

Do you have shoulder pain?

If you have any questions regarding shoulder pain and/or would like to start treatment – give ProTailored Physical Therapy a call today at (260) 739-0300!