Exercises To Strengthen Your Feet

Exercises To Strengthen Your Feet

Exercises To Strengthen Your Feet

Dr. Jonathan Evans


Chief Executive Officer, Orthopedic & Vestibular Physical Therapist

Pain in the feet after a long period of sitting or pain with the first steps of the day can be caused by a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. Weakness in the arch foot or naturally flat arches can also cause pain with walking, standing, and running. Strengthening the small muscles in the foot and the muscles that support the arch of the foot, in addition to stretching and soft tissue mobilization, can help to decrease foot pain. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, call 260-900-2437 to schedule an appointment with a ProTailored Physical Therapist today!

Arch lifts
Begin in a seated position with your foot flat on the floor. Slightly roll your foot outward toward your pinky toe. Then gently press your great toe into the floor to help raise your arch upward. Hold this lift for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Great Toe Extension
Begin with your foot relaxed and flat on the floor. Keeping your foot on the floor, only lift your big toe up toward the ceiling. It is okay if you are also placing a small amount of pressure into the floor with your other toes. Return to the starting position. You can also practice leaving your big toe on the floor and raising your other toes toward the ceiling. Repeat 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Arch Lifts with Great Toe Extension
Once you have mastered or improved your ability to independently lift your arch and to extend your big toe, you can combine both movements for a more challenging exercise. To perform, begin with your foot flat on the floor. Lift your arch, as described above. While keeping your arch lifted, extend your big toe up toward the ceiling, keeping your other toes on the floor. Then slowly return your big toe to its starting position and slowly lower your arch to the floor. Repeat 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Toe Spreading
Begin with your foot relaxed. You can be in a sitting, standing or lying position for this exercise. Spread your toes apart as far as you can, then relax. This exercise will take practice for your toes to spread farther apart, so keep trying! Repeat 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Towel Scrunches
Lay a towel flat on the floor in front of a chair. In a sitting position with your foot on the towel, begin to bend your toes to grip the surface of the towel and move it toward you. Then relax your foot. Repeat 10 repetitions for 3 sets, taking a break in between sets.

If you have foot, ankle or calf pain, call 260-739-0300 today to schedule an appointment with one of ProTailored’s highly trained Physical Therapists!