5 Best Exercises For Shoulder Pain

5 Best Exercises For Shoulder Pain

5 Best Exercises For Shoulder Pain

Dr. Jonathan Evans


Chief Executive Officer, Orthopedic & Vestibular Physical Therapist

Shoulder pain is one of the worst kinds of pain, as it spreads up to the neck and down to the hands, if left untreated. Almost 67% of people in the US complain about shoulder pain at least once in their life.

I am Dr. Jon Evans from ProTailored Physical Therapy in Fort Wayne, Indiana & in this article I will teach you five exercises that are easy to do & effective for shoulder pain.

Exercise #1: Doorway Pec Stretch

To begin this one, you’ll want to find a doorway! 

  • Place your elbow on the doorframe – at shoulder level.
  • Relax your elbow, letting your hand fall loosely over your shoulder.
  • Lean into this position and turn your body away from the doorframe (you should feel a stretch in your pec musculature!)
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Relax and focus on deep breathing.

Try to sink into the stretch with each deep breath and do this for a total of 3 times.

Exercise #2: Wall Slides

Again, you’re going to want to start this one near a doorway!

  • With a cloth in your hand, you will want to slide your hand up and down the door frame.
  • When your hand is up towards the top of this motion – you’ll want to lean in towards the door frame to get the best stretch!
  • Hold it for a few seconds and then repeat.

Do this exercise, a total of 30 times. The main target of this exercise is repetition, not how long you hold your form for. After doing it at least 30 times, move around a little to see if you feel better.

Exercise#3: The Ball Exercise

For this exercise, you will need a ball, it can be a baseball, lacrosse ball, or a tennis ball, anything that you have available.

  • Place the ball in the middle of your shoulder. (make sure it is not on the side of your neck or outside your shoulder)
  • Stand at the side of a doorframe.
  • Lean into the doorframe while simultaneously putting pressure in an attempt to push the wall away.
  • During leaning, you will also move your arm back and forth.
  • Move your arms in different directions.

Do this exercise at least 30 times and relax in between to see if you feel better. This exercise should decrease your pain, not increase it.

Exercise #4: Bicep Stretch

  • Place your hand on a wall, in a way that it is slightly higher than your hip. (Do not stretch your arm upwards)
  • Now begin to lean towards the wall
  • You should be in a perpendicular direction to the wall.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Repeat this exercise at least 3 times to see quick improvement. It is important that you feel some stretch of muscles. If you do not feel a stretch, try raising your hand a bit higher.

Exercise#5: Planks

  • For this exercise – you will want to get into the position you would prior to performing a pushup – keeping your feet apart at least hip-width apart.
  • Rather than performing pushups, you’re going to hold this position.
  • Your back must be flat at all times, pull your core in to ensure that your back is flat.
  • Your head and neck must be in a neutral position.

You will want to hold this form for about 30 seconds – complete this exercise 3 times. 

Follow through with these exercises strictly to see promising results. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment at ProTailored Physical Therapy in Fort Wayne, Indiana, you can call us at (260) 739-0300 or schedule an appointment via our website.